Brooklyn NY



Hallo Amira, I am from Brooklyn, New York, a speaker of German and have Lebanese blood and German blood, I am constantly surrounded by your culture and lifestyles. All you see when you get here is Arabic people and shops which sell Middle Eastern goods. I have become very exposed to it ll every day and love it. The music and all the rich culture you guys have is amazing. I have MANY Egyptian friends and almost every nationality you can think of. Look it up on a search engine, the Arabic pride here is SO big and has sooo much to offer. Oh and do you have facebook?


Hi there, that is great to hear. What I personally like about Arabic shops is that as soon as you walk in you are surrounded by all these beautiful intense smells, the spices especially. It's like being wrapped up in a blanket of smells that remind me of home. I am not on facebook yet, but hopefully I will be soon :P


pls add me on facebook [redacted] shahma MA


and add me too!/profile.php?id=100002071435297


Ahlan wa sahlan Amira. Started learning Arabic from Rocket languages recently . Tell me will learning Arabic help me to get a job in Middle East ? thanks


Ahlan Bobby, Being multi-lingual, even at a basic level, shows that you have cultural awareness so I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if you can put Arabic on your resume! If you do get a job in the Middle East, basic Arabic skills will be a big help :) All the best for your language learning and job hunting! - Amira


Ahlan Nisha & Reza If you would like to interact with us on Facebook, please visit our official page here: Hope that helps! - Amira

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