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Arabic Culture and Travel

Learning more about the culture and the places you can use your new language skills is all part of your learning adventure. If you’re looking for some extra cultural tips or you have an experience to share, welcome! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!

Arabic Music

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could point me towards some popular Egyptian Arabic music. I have found this helpful previously learning language and it’s great traveling out even years after and hearing songs you know. I think this can be great for getti...

2 replies - Last post by PatriciaA28 - June 9, 2021

Terms of Endearment?

Hello, Perhaps this is not the best place to ask such a question, but I’m hoping for some clarification… I have a friend who is from Syria. He often calls me “princess” and “beautiful” and is very complimentary of how I look, and what I do and say. It’s...

4 replies - Last post by marieg-rocket languages - October 23, 2020

What does Hany want to see?

In Level 1,  lesson 4.4, Hany wants to go into the pyramids and see the "tombs" inside them??  اَنَا عَايِزْ اَدْخُلْ جُوَّا اِلْاَهْرَامَاتْ وَاَشُوفْ اِلْمَقَابِر‭. Ana 'āyiz adkhol gowwa il'ahramāt w ashōf ilma'ābir.   I want (masc.) to go inside...

2 replies - Last post by marieg-rocket languages - October 23, 2020

Traveling to Egypt

Hi there, do you have plans to travel to Egypt? Have you been there before? What did you like the best about your trip or what are you most looking forward to? Tell us your stories, we would love to hear from you. Amira

52 replies - Last post by marieg-rocket languages - October 12, 2020

Special marker or pen for writing in Arabic?

I'm totally new to the Rocket Arabic course, and to Arabic, and was wondering if the person drawing the numbers and letters in the writing videos is using a special marker. And do others have a particular marker or pen they like to use for writing in Arab...

5 replies - Last post by Eniro* - May 7, 2019

Arabic Motivations

Why do you study Arabic? I am going on a two-week vacation with my mom. How much do you like Arabic? I like it so much.

2 replies - Last post by Alena55 - February 16, 2018

Egyptian Arabic TV with English subtitles?

Hi, I've studied a few languages in my time and I've always found an immersion-based approach works really well. So whenever I'm starting a new language, I try and collect all the resources I can find, and this always includes TV programmes with English...

14 replies - Last post by Catherine216 - July 22, 2017

Using Egyptian Arabic in Other Countries

Have you or do you plan to use your Egyptian Arabic in a country other than Egypt? I'm planning a trip to Morocco, Egypt, and perhaps a third country, and I'm hoping to get by with my Egyptian Arabic. I bought a Moroccan Arabic phrasebook just in case, bu...

1 reply - Last post by Ramsey-P - June 9, 2017

Egyptian - correct way to say "time"

How come I've seen two versions of the word "time?" One is "wa2t" and the other is "mara." Are both correct.....or perhaps used in different circumstances? Thanks

4 replies - Last post by crisfreitas - July 14, 2016

Islamic sayings

Do Egyptian Christians use the Islamic sayings with one another as well, or do they have different greetings?

10 replies - Last post by taniaraenunu - May 9, 2016

Writing about Egypt

Does anyone know of some good books and/or trustworthy websites about modern Egypt? I need information about the education system in Egypt, families, children, hobbies...just normal everyday life.

6 replies - Last post by khaduj - November 2, 2014


is there a rule to form the comparative of adjective as it is in English i'm Romanian and when i learned English i did it with rules , can you help me with rules pls

2 replies - Last post by khaduj - October 18, 2014

Soap operas

Are there arabic soaps with closed captioning in arabic? (This is how I learned Spanish--it worked really well for me). In the beginning you have to be able to freeze the frame and look up words you don't know.....time consumming but it works.

5 replies - Last post by khaduj - October 17, 2014

Writing lessons

I am thinking of joining rocket arabic but will like to know if it includes how to learn to write in Arabic????

12 replies - Last post by Amira-Zaki - November 28, 2013

Working In Egypt

I'm wanting to teach music over there in Egypt. Are there many people over there that learn music? I'm also thinking about teaching English over there as well. What would the job opportunities be like over there?

4 replies - Last post by kiwifruitnz - December 18, 2011


hello everyone i`m new here ~~~~~~~

34 replies - Last post by Alan-R-G - July 7, 2013


In greeting my Arabic friends we kiss on the cheek. My friend has explained pending on where you are from your kiss pattern could be different. So I have always copied what my friend from Jordan does. One kiss on the right cheek, one kiss on the left and ...

2 replies - Last post by Amira-Zaki - May 10, 2012

Brooklyn NY

Hallo Amira, I am from Brooklyn, New York, a speaker of German and have Lebanese blood and German blood, I am constantly surrounded by your culture and lifestyles. All you see when you get here is Arabic people and shops which sell Middle Eastern goods. ...

6 replies - Last post by Amira-Zaki - February 8, 2012

at the cafe`

ahlan wa sahlan

3 replies - Last post by mohamed-c - January 13, 2012

Greetings use to Copt

Hi everybody, Can someone tell me the correct way to say "Kuwayyisa il 7amdulillah. Shukran." to a Copt? Thanks.

3 replies - Last post by Amira-Zaki - May 15, 2011


assalamu alaykum let me download the pdf folder and audio pls.

3 replies - Last post by Amira-Zaki - May 4, 2011

Above or at/with - 2.7 Explaining where

عند Fo2 Above عند and3 At /with Which is correct one? Thank you.

3 replies - Last post by Amira-Zaki - May 4, 2011

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