What does Hany want to see?



In Level 1,  lesson 4.4, Hany wants to go into the pyramids and see the "tombs" inside them?? 

اَنَا عَايِزْ اَدْخُلْ جُوَّا اِلْاَهْرَامَاتْ وَاَشُوفْ اِلْمَقَابِر‭.
Ana 'āyiz adkhol gowwa il'ahramāt w ashōf ilma'ābir.
I want (masc.) to go inside the pyramids and see the tombs.

Google suggests tombs or cemeteries, lissaanmasri.com doesn't have the pl or the sg form, and the from the little reading I've done, the pyramids were regarded as tombs themselves.  The ق  in اِلْمَقَابِر is pronounced "q" rather than as a glottal stop, meaning it's not Egyptian?  With the importance of the tourism industry to Egypt, this must be a familiar term, whatever it means, to the guides and writers of guide-books, but I'm not planning on a visit in the immediate future, so does anybody who has been already know what Hany wants to see? (It would have given Erica something  interesting to talk about, while he was right there - maybe next time?)
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Hi jsyeaton, 

Our apologies for the delay in getting back to you with regards to this question; we have gone ahead and forwarded this query to our language department; as soon as we get a reply, we will let you know. 

Kind Regards
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Hi jsyeaton, 

I got a reply from our language team:


"In regards to the pronunciation of the letter Qaf, some Egyptian words will still use "qaf" instead of pronouncing it as a glottal stop so this isn't a hard and fast rule. An example is al-Qahirah (Cairo) which is pronounced with a "qaf" not a glottal stop. 

And in regards to the pyramids, inside the pyramids are tunnels and chambers where mummies were placed inside a sarcophagus and then stored. Nowadays there's actually nothing inside these chambers and tunnels at all, and everything of value has been moved to the Egyptian Museum. But many tourists still like to go inside the pyramids just to see these empty tunnels and chambers."


I hope this helps! 


Kind Regards

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