Perhaps this is not the best place to ask such a question, but I’m hoping for some clarification… I have a friend who is from Syria. He often calls me “princess” and “beautiful” and is very complimentary of how I look, and what I do and say. It’s very flattering, but also somewhat concerning. I have assumed it must be a cultural difference… I’m wondering if this is a common way to address friends and family in Syria? What are common terms of endearment in Syria that I should be aware of? I would like to make it clear that we are just friends, but I also don’t want to automatically assume his nice comments are anything more than just friendly terms of endearment? It must be a cultural difference, right?
Any input would be very helpful.
Thank you!
Terms of Endearment?

January 15, 2014

March 23, 2014
Hi kimbry,
Terms of endearment in Arabic culture maybe be something like "Habebti", "2albi" ,"Rohi " but this is only between females.
But for words like "princess" and "beautiful" addressed from a male to a female,This is definitely considered as flirting in the Arabic culture .Arabic people do not use affectionate and flattering words when addressing a member of the opposite sex,so it's not a cultural difference.

September 14, 2014
agreed with Salama, usually if it is come from female it is just way of being friendly. but from male it consider as flirting .

May 1, 2019
what does rohi means one lady I know she says this to me.

marieg-rocket languages
October 23, 2020
Hi Almira5,
Rohi is a common term of endearment in Arabic which literally means "my spirit" or "my soul". Qalbi (or 'albi) means "my heart", and habibti means "my beloved". When a woman says this to another woman (or child), she's just emphasizing how important this person is to her (since the soul is seen as an essential part of a human, so likewise this person is also essential and dear to her).
Kind Regards!
Rohi is a common term of endearment in Arabic which literally means "my spirit" or "my soul". Qalbi (or 'albi) means "my heart", and habibti means "my beloved". When a woman says this to another woman (or child), she's just emphasizing how important this person is to her (since the soul is seen as an essential part of a human, so likewise this person is also essential and dear to her).
Kind Regards!