Working In Egypt



I'm wanting to teach music over there in Egypt. Are there many people over there that learn music? I'm also thinking about teaching English over there as well. What would the job opportunities be like over there?


Ahlan Eden, Sorry for the late reply! I'm afraid I can't comment on the job availability in Egypt at the moment, especially with the current political situation. However, I would suggest contacting a recruitment agency specializing in the Middle East. You can also search for opportunities yourself on websites like this one (for teaching English): All the best for your job hunting! - Amira


Dear Amira, I am very satisfied with the Premium Arabic Course ,but just wondering when could we expect next level-medium Course. Wish You, and your team all the best Vaso Menzalin


<p>Ahlan Vaso,</p><p>I'm glad to hear you are satisfied with the course! Unfortunately we don't have plans to create a higher level of Arabic at the moment but if we do release one in the future we will send out an email to those signed up to our Rocket Fuel emails. Sorry I can't be of more help!</p>



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