Writing lessons



I am thinking of joining rocket arabic but will like to know if it includes how to learn to write in Arabic????


Hi Lidia It's great to hear you are thinking of learning with Rocket Arabic! The course includes Writing lessons but there are no instructional videos. We're in the process of producing these and adding them to the lessons though so if you purchase the course, they will appear automatically when they are added to the lessons. I hope that helps!


I will happy to see the videos. I try different ways to make the characters to see which is most efficient and clear, but there must be some standard method. It is really fun to draw the letters.


Hi Lea, In the meantime you might find this free resource useful by Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/dept/lc/arabic/alphabet/chart.html I hope that helps!


Yes, it does help a lot! Thank you very much.


Hi Amira, Thank you for sharing Stanford Universy's website. I really enjoy using it. Alf shukr!


Hi Lea and John, I'm glad to hear it helped :) The videos should be start being available in the Writing lessons in about a week or so.


Writng lessons are great!


I am a member but I am having truble with my Aribic


I just returned from a trip to Jordan where I visited a calligraphy house and dug deeper into the script with a tutor. Rocket provides an introduction to writing but it barely scratches the surface. It is a good start, though. Too much at once would be overwhelming. There are actually 4 different scripts. Rocket teaches the common one which what most things are written in. Rocket could improve by doing more with the superscript and subscript vowels. It would help sound out the words when trying to read. I really have a long way to go.


Hi Lea Our Arabic course is a beginners one so we introduce the standard writing system. Arabic calligraphy is a (beautiful) science in itself - it must have been very interesting to study!


Ahlan Amira, I realize that I have barely scratched the surface of Arabic script. My visit to the calligraphy house was only about one hour. The opportunity was a singular experience that I hope someday to repeat. It is really fun to draw the characters. Nevertheless, I just downloaded an Arabic keyboard program for my computer. Now I need to get stickers for the keys! Thanks to you, when I was in Jordan everyone told me I had a very nice Egyptian accent. Making general conversation was difficult but do-able. Most importantly I was able to be polite. Shukran!


Ahlan Lea That is really great to hear! Egyptian is a very popular dialect around the Arabic-speaking world so you likely sounded like a famous Egyptian singer or actor ;) On the topic of calligraphy, one of my favorite styles is "Sini", which is a wonderful combination of cultures. It's so unique!

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