Does anyone know of some good books and/or trustworthy websites about modern Egypt? I need information about the education system in Egypt, families, children, hobbies...just normal everyday life.
Writing about Egypt

August 17, 2011

August 19, 2011
I think the best way is by talking to the Egyptians themselves. I'm sure there are some sites where you can get someone from Egypt as an online pen pal. I've spoken to Egyptians online and I've learnt a lot about their culture.
However you choose to get your information, good luck!

August 20, 2011
You might do a search for a language board. Generally they are used for people of different languages to improve their second language. It would be a good way to learn more about Egyptian culture, and help someone learn your language as well as improving your Arabic.

August 21, 2011
Shokran for the suggestions and I'll look into it.
I am mainly searching for books.

October 3, 2011
Hi when i first went to egypt i read up on things via a ton of guide book...rough guide and lonely planet have some good background information and will also recommend books on particular subjects...pick them up at the library...good luck

November 2, 2014
guess the best is to be friends with Egyptian on Facebook and ask Egyptian themselves.

November 2, 2014
You can pretty much google anything these days!