Hola amigos,
The link below is 10 lessons on the subjunctive from Light Speed Spanish which I found well worth viewing.
10 video lessons on the subjunctive

March 2, 2014

March 15, 2014
that expresses uncertainty, right?

March 19, 2014
Gracias Rich, I watched the first episode and I am going to watch them all and see where it takes me.
Look at Daran's post/question on the subjunctive. Perhaps you can provide some insight.

March 19, 2014
Rich, I appreciate you bringing LLS to my attention. I have been watching a video every day as part of my study. The brevity of the videos and the mixture of Spanish conversation and english explanation is just right for me. I still find the continental Spanish pronunciation a bit distracting but I can usually figure out what they are saying.
Thanks again!

March 19, 2014
Patrice y Dan,
De nada amigos. I'm glad you are enjoying Light Speed as am I, and I agree the presentation is really good. I actually watched all 10 of the subjunctive videos, one after another. No brevity there, about 1hr. and 20 minutes. I hesitated to address Daran's question as I didn't feel I could provide the rule and guideline he wanted. Remember Gordon's comments regarding the rules in the first video? I saw your reply Patrice, and that there is another person seems right to me as in your comparison to your phrase in which there is only the one person. Also, there is that lack of certainty. "What one can" is vague and seems to fall into the uncompleted or pending action need for the subjunctive.

March 21, 2014
Hi Rich,
Thank you for sharing the link. I really enjoy it.