In lession 20.1, they give this translation:
“Es incómodo hablar con alguien conquien estuviste saliendo hace poco.”
“It's uncomfortable to speak to someone who you went out with for a little while.”
To me, “hace poco” means “a while ago, recently”. Can it also mean “for a little while”?
20.1 hace poco

November 11, 2011

November 13, 2011
"Hace poco", means "a while ago" or "recently" or literally "short time ago" , but i cant mean "for a little while", for this expression you could say "Por un momento" or "Por un rato" all depends on the context, if you want to translate "I played soccer for a little while"...then you should say "Jugué fútbol por un rato" or "Jugué fútbol por un momento"....
saludos desde México! ;)

November 14, 2011
Thanks. I thought so.
Why do you think there are so many errors in the notes?