I've seen "a donde" used in the Conversation Course book and "adonde" used in the Grammar book. Do these two words mean the same thing, but can be spelled in 2 different ways?
A donde vs adonde

June 10, 2011

June 10, 2011
They both mean the same thing: "to where?"
Traditionally, it was written as "A dónde", though now it is acceptable to write it as "Adónde".
Hope that helps.

June 15, 2011
I recently looked up this one and found an example that helped me:
¿Dónde está el paquete y adónde va?
"Dónde" is: where is something located, and
"Adónde" is: "where to" (a=to dónde=where).
So, in that example of "Where is the package and where is it going?" the answer could be something like:
The package is in the mail bag (answers "dónde")
and is going to the post office (answers "adónde").
Hope it helps.

June 17, 2011
Thanks Pascal!