A donde vs adonde



I've seen "a donde" used in the Conversation Course book and "adonde" used in the Grammar book. Do these two words mean the same thing, but can be spelled in 2 different ways?


They both mean the same thing: "to where?" Traditionally, it was written as "A dónde", though now it is acceptable to write it as "Adónde". Hope that helps.


I recently looked up this one and found an example that helped me: ¿Dónde está el paquete y adónde va? "Dónde" is: where is something located, and "Adónde" is: "where to" (a=to dónde=where). So, in that example of "Where is the package and where is it going?" the answer could be something like: The package is in the mail bag (answers "dónde") and is going to the post office (answers "adónde"). Hope it helps.


Thanks Pascal!

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