Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar A question about where to put personal pronouns

A question about where to put personal pronouns



Hola todos, Is there any grammatical difference between the sentances: "Usted tiene un carro" or "Tiene usted un carro" Or any other sentances that switch around the verb and personal pronoun, like: "Ustedes pueden cocinar" or "Pueden ustedes cocinar" Thanks for any help.


As far as I know, there's no grammatical difference. I tend to hear the version that puts the verb first primarily in questions (as in English--do you have a car), but I've also heard that word order used for straightforward statements in Spanish.


I fully agree with nohablo, I would use the "Pueden ustedes cocinar" as a question only "Ustedes pueden cocinar" as a statement... although you can also use this as a question. Kind regards, Mauricio.

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