I have noticed that the newsletters have stopped coming, that none of the moderators post anymore, and that Mauricio and Amy seems to have disappeared. I had expected more from this company. Is the product support function dead? What is going on?
Abandoned Forum

May 14, 2009

May 15, 2009
Thanks for posting.
The forum is not abandoned.
First let me make it clear to you that the moderators are here to make sure that the forum stays clean of spam, pornography, vulgarity, insults etc etc etc.
The moderators are in no way obliged to take part in the discussions or answer your questions.
nohablo, who is very knowledgeable , does take part a lot.
I seldom do.
As for the news letters, you are correct.
I will write Mauricio and bring it to his attention.
As for Mauricio and Amy having vanished.....be assured they are alive :lol:
I will pass on the message today.

May 20, 2009
It is my understanding that Amy Waterman no longer works for you guys. She is now teaching folks how to sing...
Anyway, the level of support here has dwindled. I'm very disappointed.

May 20, 2009
the level of support here has dwindled. I'm very disappointed.[/quo]
I am not putting up an argument here, but I would like you to summarize what you would like to see as support.
Don't make it a story....just a list !
Thank you

June 1, 2009
I have submitted numerous requests to have my email newsletter reinstated. Mauricio used to respond regularly and promptly to such requests. Amy and Mauricio were regular contributors to this forum. Not anymore.
I know from research that Amy has moved on to another company. But what has happened to Mauricio and customer support?

June 13, 2009
I understand and concur with your frustration. Not sure what happen to Mauricio or Amy, but I can say that while Rocket Spanish 1 was a great product, RS2 just didn't draw me in like for example LSLC2 does. Maybe other customers felt the same and have expressed there disappointment.
Also lets not forget that Rocket Language, just like any other "Learn to Speak language abc" program is first and foremost a business with the goal of making money. Once the product is sold, don't expect much more from the company. It's up to you to make the best of the product and move on to the next product.
_Hasta luego y recuerda para aprender espanol es importante practicar todo el tiempo_

June 13, 2009
is first and foremost a business with the goal of making money. Once the product is sold, *don't expect much more from the company*
Well , for one, RS has brought you many and regular updates.
All together about 10 times I think
When we complained there were mistakes, the mistakes were fixed and an update was available.
As for support, I have asked you people __to make a list__ of what you want for support.,
*__For those not knowing what a list is__*, here is an example
1--I want more pictures in my lessons
2--I want besides .pdf files, also .doc files
3--I want 4 people do the talking, not 2 only
4--I want the .exe files for windows to be available as .rpm for Linux
This is a list.
Now *please *, for those who complain about the support, do as I ask.( smile )
Thank you

June 25, 2009
I don't really want to try and put words in people's mouths (especially since I don't participate here often), but I think that what people would like to see in terms of "support" is a stronger presence from Mauricio, or someone, actively participating and answering questions here on the forum. Because no one from RS participates here, the perception is that the forum has been abandoned. And from the perspective of the customers, I think it's a fair statement.
Customers expect that a representative of RS will participate in the forums to help answer questions, especially if RS has not specifically stated otherwise. And when that doesn't happen, people start to get frustrated and feel abandoned, especially if it's _their _question that isn't getting answered.
It would go a long way in strengthening customer relations, and quite honestly, helping people achieve their goals. It would also be great if something could be worked out where an RS representative could drop by once a week to answer questions. Perhaps that's something you could pass on to Mauricio. A specific day of the week and time could be set, and everyone will post their questions by that day and time, and the RS representative would address those questions. I think that would work, and not be an overwhelming burden on RS.
I think we all understand that Mauricio has many other important things to do, but leaving your customers with a perceived feeling of abandonment, is not a good thing.
We all want to see this forum become a successful, active community it's members can turn to for help, not only from each other, but from RS as well. And I think active participation from RS is absolutely critical to making that happen.
Anyway, that's just my 2cents. I'm officially stepping off my soap box. :D

June 25, 2009
I have sent a PM.

June 25, 2009
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for bringing this to my attention Antonio.
I must admit I have put answering questions on the forum on the back burner due to more pressing issues with Rocket Spanish and many of the other languages we are bringing out, although I do still answer many questions which are sent to me directly.
The Forum is here for Rocket Spanish students to help each other, which I think everyone is doing a great job, but I will try to make an appearance more often from now on, although I may not get time to answer every question posted I will do my best on each Friday of every week to go through them. I do appreciate your help though in answering anything you think you may be capable of.
Antonio and NoHablo (moderators) are here primary to address spam and keep a check on the language being used in discussions... must admit they do a very good job and I'm sure it is appreciate by all... thanks guys.
As active members of our forum I appreciate everyone who not only asks questions but has a go at answering other peoples questions too, I always found that teaching sometimes is the best way of learning.
In answer to the newsletters, these were never meant to last forever, we have provided a great number of extras with the course, but unfortunately there comes a time when things do come to a stop, saying that, this does not mean that there will never be more newsletters. Rocket Languages are actively making updates and providing more for our existing customers... at the moment we have been tirelessly working on a new way of presenting our course.. this will be called the "Learning Lounge" which will combine everything Rocket Spanish has to offer in a more interactive and easier to follow way. I hope everyone likes it. This is due to be completed in the very near future. Emails will go out to everyone once it's done. Of course existing members will get access automatically.
So as you can see we have definitely not abandoned you, but like mentioned before we do need to spend time on expansion... which reminds me, Rocket Spanish third installment is in the works.. I'm due to go to the recording studio on the next couple of weeks to begin the final part of it.
Anyway... I can see that I should be making more of a presence in this forum so I will schedule time every friday to come and check on everyone. Thanks for your understanding.
Saludos a todos.

June 26, 2009
Thanks Mauricio.
I hope that every one is satisfied.
*And now, Boys and Girls, back to the classroom*
:D :) :o