Abrazarse - reflexive?



Hi I tried an online systran translation of "I wanted to hug you" and got "deseé abrazarle" Is this reflexive, is it right? I don't really understand if this is a context when a reflexive verb should be used, and cannot find a conjugation of the reflexive "to hug each other" anywhere.. .. is this corrrect, or is it using the formal you ? Clearly the context dictates the informal you? I could use some help on this and what rules govern it? Gracias


The reflexive pronoun is used as it would be a reciprocal verb rather than a reflexive verb. They hugged each other would probably translate as Les abrazaron Not sure if the conjugation is correct though. Regards Nev


*Abrazar*, _to hug_, is not reflexive unless you're hugging yourself! *I want to hug you.* _Quiero abrazarte._ * I wanted to hug you.* _Quise abrazarte._ Usually, if you're hugging someone, I'd assume that you're familiar with them! So I doubt you'd use the formal "le." I'd recommend the informal "te."


[quo]*Quote from * Amy I wanted to hug you.[/b] _Quise abrazarte._ [/quo] Hola, Amy. I read that 'quise' means 'tried' in the pretérito. Which would make it, I tried to hug you. Then making the true meaning of, I wanted to hug you, into Quería abrazarte. Did I read the wrong information?


I was actually under the same impression. Did we understand wrong?


Hi, You are right, "Quise abrazarte" can mean "I tried to hug you", but depending on the use "Quise" can still hold it's original meaning (wanted) when used in that context, When you say... "Quería abrazarte..." is probably more to the point and it's meaning solid... but you can use either or. I hope that helps. Mauricio.


i need sum help doing this spanish research o refflexive verbs.

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