Actividades del Día



Estoy siguiendo el consejo de Patrice o Diane y pensando sobre mis actividades en Español. Tengo dos preguntas: 1. ¿Cómo se dice "take a shower" en Español? ¿Tomar una ducha? 2. ¿Cómo se dice "I get dressed"? Gracias por tu ayuda. Saludos, Dan


Hola Dan, Ducharse is to take a shower it is reflexive as is vestirse which is to dress, get dressed "me visto", I get dressed. Saludos, Ricardo


Dan, Por ejemplo; Despues de ducharme, me visto. after I shower or "take" a shower, I get dressed. Saludos, Ricardo


Ricardo: Este ejemplo es muy servicial. ¡Muchas gracias! Dan


Dan, ¡ Que bueno! y de nada ! Me alegra que fuera útil para ti. Here is the link to the conversations I told you about in the other thread. Various Latin American speakers, various subjects and levels of difficulty. Saludos, Ricardo


Dan, Note my editing. I think this might be better usage rather than my first choice using the subjunctive " me alegra que fuera útil para ti" but maybe they are both okay. Perhaps Cristian or someone else will reply and clarify. Saludos, Ricardo


Hola amigos Dan y Rick! Me alegra que fuera útil para ti! or Me alegra que haya sido útil para ti. For me, both phrases are correct. If you want to use the "contento" you can say something like : Estoy contento que haya sido útil para ti, or simply Estoy contento que te haya sido útil (you imply that it is talking about the tip or correction that you made for him). Now, about the "taking a bath" and "Putting on some clothes". I have noticed that in Mexico we dont use "ducha" a lot, even if we do know what it means, and sometimes use it in movies and tv. It is correct the way you said it "Tomar una ducha" but it always depends on when you did the action. We often use the "me voy a bañar" , "voy tomar un baño" or "Estoy bañandome" (its like saying "taking a bath", instead of shower). Even if we are actually reffering to a shower and not sitting on a bath, "bañera"or "tina de baño" in spanish. We do know that a bath is different than shower. In Mexico and Venezuela we use "regadera" (which translates to watering can,the one used to water flowers, due to the similarity with mexican showers haha). "tomar un regaderazo"is another slang term for taking a shower. This brings us to a new topic (a very extensive one). How do we (mexicans) call the restroooms/bathrooms/WC? and what about toilets? We have a lot of words for it! first i will say the ones i use and then the general part. ME Toilet-Taza de baño , escusado and sometimes inodoro Restroom/public toilet-Baño publico or simply baño and sometimes Sanitarios Bathroom-Baño Shower-Regadera Bath-Tina and bañera Sink- lavamanos (and sometimes we even use the english word sinc in my city, due to a lot of mexican-american influence) GENERAL Toilet-Inodoro, retrete o escusado, WC Restroom- Sanitarios, baño publico, WC Bathroom-Baño or cuarto de baño Bath-Tina de baño or bañera Showers-regaderas or ducha Sink-Lavamanos, lavabo Espero no haberlos confundido mas haha! The other topic was "vestirse" . "yo me visto" or "me estoy vistiendo", it depends. We sometimes say "me cambio" even if it is reffering to changing clothes and not putting some clothes on So in the example above i would say in my daily basis : Después de bañarme, me visto. Saludos!


Hola Cristian, ¡Muchas gracias! Como siempre me has ayudado a mi y otros. Saludos, Ricardo


Christian: ¡muy iluminando, gracias! Pero, esta mañana dije: "Voy a ducharmé (o bañarme), entonces voy a me visto." ¿Correcto? Saludos, Dan


De nada Dan! Voy a ducharme, y luego (or despues) voy y me visto Voy a bañarme y después me visto. Me bañaré y despues voy a vestirme. Me voy a bañar y despues me voy a vestir. Me ducharé para luego vestirme. That's the cool thing about spanish...options never seem to end!


me visto

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