¿Adónde? versus ¿A dónde?



Is there ever any difference between these two? Lessonn 3.2 seems to use them interchangeably. Of cvourse it doesn't matter in speaking, but I wonder if there's ever a situation where the space (or its absence) matters.



¡Hola StanB-sweh!


This is a really great question!


According to the Real Academica Española, both adónde and a dónde are equally valid and can be used interchangeably. As such, both can be translated into English as “where to” or “where,” depending on the context. For example, the question “Where are (we) going?” could be written ¿A dónde vamos? Or ¿Adónde vamos? 


I hope this helps answer your question!






Indy, ¡muchas gracias!



Great question. This was very helpful.

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