I bought rocket spanish in 2006 and printed the beginners book and half the advanced- i need to replace some pages and print the rest of the advanced book but can't locate it on the site- its not all in the new interactive lessons. Is it still available some how?
advanced grammer book

January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010
They've now included the sections of what used to be the Beginner's and Advanced books into each lesson. The Advanced book is found in the Rocket Spanish Premium Plus lessons. If you click on a lesson there (e.g., Movies, Mayhem, and the One that Got Away), you'll see two sets of sections. One is called Interactive Audio Course, and the other is called Grammar and Culture. The Grammar and Culture sections are what used to be the parts of the Advanced book. I think you can print them out, but probably only section by section. :( I think it was more convenient when the contents were all in one book, but probably the way it's done now will make the contents more visible and hence more often used. :)

January 22, 2010
That's what I thought. However, my original log-in info only gets me into the premium on-line materials, not the premium plus. Am I now going to have to pay for what I was given w/ my original purchase of RS? I realize there are additional interactive audio lessons, but the PDF file of the beginner and advanced books must be some where?

February 5, 2010
I send you a PM with info that will help you out with this.