Algo, algun, alguin, etc



I having trouble with the meanings of these. How do I use them corectly? Examples, por favor... W.J.


Algo means _something_, or in questions _anything._ Me recuerda algo - It reminds me of something ¿Algo más? - Anything else? Alguno/a/os/as can be used as an adjective or a pronoun. As an adjective it means _some._ That is some as in a certain amount *but not others.* En algunos casos... - In some cases Algunos mariposas tienen alas muy bonitas - Some butterflies have very pretty wings (some, but not all) Before a singular masculine noun it becomes algún. As a pronoun it means _some of them, some people, some things._ Algunos dicen que... - Some people say that.... Alguien means _someone,_ or in questions _anyone_ Alguien entró - Someone came in Any grammar book should have explanations and examples of usage. As I understand it they are only used with *affirmative statements*. In negative sentences you use nada, ninguno and nadie. Alan


Gracias! Lo entiendo...


Alan-LaCala, you explained well! Buen trabajo! :wink:

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