answering machine message



Hola todos, Tengo una pregunta. To say we're not home now please leave a message, I was going to say : No estamos en casa ahorita deje un mensaje por favor, gracias. I have a brother in-law that lived in Mexico for 10 yrs. who speaks & understands Spanish very well though he isn't strong in some tenses & some elements of grammar.This was his suggestion: No estamos en casa ahorita. Favor de dejar un mensaje despues del tono. I understand the addition of after the tone. ¿ Son ambos correcto? Cristian, ayudame por favor. Gracias a todos, Rich


Hola!!! :D veo mi nombre en tu pregunta, wow! Ambos son perfectamente correctos!! (both are correct) Maybe the second one is more complete, but , well, everyone know they can start leaving a message only after the tone...but still , both are correct! I dont want to get in a lot on the "ahorita" word...i dont know if you have noticed, but when you want yo say that something is "small" in spanish we add the "ito" or "ita" at the end of a word (depending on the gender) so, "ahorita" is the diminutive of "ahora"...wich means "right now"! or simply "now"...and , here comes the point, the word "ahorita" its used a lot in Mexico, but one day i was reading an article about spanish grammar and apparently "ahorita" doens`nt really exists, eventough everyone, and i mean everyone uses it!...hahaha i know its wierd, but when you think about it, TIME is not something you can express in terms of "big" or "small" or "tall"...but well...the thing is , BOTH EXPRESSIONS are correct and mean the same thing!!! Other options for the message are: "Por el momento no estamos en casa, favor de dejar el mensaje despues del tono, gracias" (we are not home for the moment, please leave your messagge after the tone, thanks) "Buen dia, por el momento no podemos contestar su llamada, pero si gusta puede dejar un mensaje despues del tono siguiente, gracias" THIS ONE IS A LITTLE BIT MORE FORMAL (Good day, at this time we are not able to answer your call, but if you like you may leave a message after the following tone) Or simply the one you wrote: No estamos en casa ahora/ahorita, por favor deje su mensaje despues del tono, gracias....(did you notice i kindda mix the two expressions above?) Espero haber ayudado RICH!! y muchas gracias por mencionarme en tu pregunta!!! IT FEELS GREAT TO BE MENTIONED!! the way i see that your spanish has improved a lot, keep up with the good work! MUCHAS FELICIDADES!!! Saludos desde Mexico!


Cristian, Muchas gracias por tu ayuda. Como siempre tu respuesta es muy útil y como siempre eres muy amable. Algún día me gustaría hablar español muy bien. Estudio y escucho todos los días tambien, cuando estoy solo en casa, me hablo a mi mismo en español en voz alta. Soy anciano y loco pero resuelto. ¡Ja ja! Saludos, Rich


Hola Rich! Eso esta muy bien!!! siempre es muy útil hablar con uno mismo , eso ayuda bastante! Mucha suerte, los resultados ya se estan mostrando poco a poco! saludos


hola! I am just wondering about how to say the age(edad) in spanish? I found out that Tengo veintiuno anos is wrong and the right way to say I'm 21 years old is Tengo veintiun anos de edad but how about the rest of the numbers? how to say it like im 1 year old? 11? 31? is the veintiun only for 21? What I mean to say is that the o that has been omitted, is it only for the number 21? Also I noticed that we can say I'm 29 in spanish as Tengo veintinueve anos. Where is the de edad? Is de edad also only for 21? Muchas gracias! My time here in rocket spanish is running out already. I only have 2days, can I still log in here even though my time is over in learning the language? Can I still add comments in this page?

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