Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Answering the teléfono "Bueno"

Answering the teléfono "Bueno"



Hola, My wife works for a tire company in Phoenix AZ that has locations all over the Southwest. One of the smaller, one man locations is on the Texas/Mexico border, no matter what time of the day the guy that runs that location, who is Mexican answers the phone 'Bueno', not Buenos Días or Buenas Tardes. Any thoughts? Gracias, Jeff


That's equal to "Hello", at least that's what I've been told.


Hello, I can't say I've ever heard anyone answer the phone in that way but Mexicans are well known for their slang and shortening of sentences so I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually short for Buenos Dias or Buenas tardes... I have heard the term "Bueno" used on shops before though. When the shop keeper looks up at you and asks you what would you like... "Bueno. ¿Que se le ofrece?" in that case "Bueno" literally means "Good" but it expresses the feeling of "Ok, I've finished doing what I was doing and now I can help you... "Good, now, what would you like?" So looking at that you could also say that the person answering the phone “Bueno” actually means... "OK, what would you like?" (Doesn’t sound very polite though) I hope I haven't confused anyone... Mauricio.


Many of my Mexican friends, both those living in Mexico and those who have moved here, answer the telephone with "Bueno." Several have told me that it is the same as "Hello" here in the United States, and is considered a polite way to answer.


I just registered, but I wanted to add that, in Mexico, everyone answers with Bueno and Bueno only. Usually with the emphasis on the final o sort've like BuenO


Bueno (in my experience) means like
'How can I help you?' (in a more friendly tone if a family phone--or one's cell phone) and a more formal tone (but still can be friendly) if it is a business....


Interesting. Thanks for revisiting this thread.


While listening to various audio and video in Spanish I have heard people answer the phone with "Bueno." I think, but I could be wrong, that it is a more common greeting used in Mexico. It seems like here in Rocket Spanish they favor 'Alo".

My personal favorite, though, is "Dime" (or "Digame")  Gets right to the point! My girlfriend thinks it is rude, but our friend Estela says it is not, just efficient use of words.


Digame or simply "diga" is quite common in Spain (if I remember right--lived there some many years ago) may be rude in Mexico...the Spanish are direct ... not better or worse....just different ways of doing things...both get the job done...
I have lived in Spain and Mexico...though I'm a yank....
and thanks to the others for revisiting this thread too...
maybe I should write in Spanish...
es que toma un poco más tiempo y cuidado (escribir en español) -- pero, eh, no hay que ser perfectos...¿verdad?

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