Apresúrate - Jennifer Lopez



Por los dos por lo que siempre hemos luchado
Por todo lo que pasamos apresúrate mi amor
Por que vuelvan los minutos, porque no quiero perderte
Porque vivo de ilusiones porque sueño con amarte hoy

Terrific song. I'm not getting the following though:
1.) The phrases in italics
2.) Why volver is in the subjunctive
3.) Why there is "por que" and "porque"...

Here is a link to the song if you want to hear it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gXMRHt1-W4
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Who is the guy in the video?


Well, on item 3, "por que" = why and "porque" = because.  Perhaps starting a sentence with a "why" clause adds doubt and maybe that triggers the subjunctive.


Thanks for the feedback.

Marc Anthony, I believe. They were married a few years back.
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages


I hadn't heard the song before hehe Really nice though!!

It think this strophe is to urge and to validate the love they feel for each other, that's why she says "Hurry, there's no time to waste,

"Por todo lo que pasamos" - For all (the things) that we went through
Apresurate mi amor,
Porque vuelvan los minutos
, - I would translate this as "Make the minutes/time come back (like let's re-live the times we were together)
Porque vivo de ilusiones porque sueño con amarte hoy

"Vuelvan" is in the subjunctive because she's expressing a desire (she wants to go back in time).

"Por que" and "porque", it shoul be "porque" always, so I'd say it's at typo. You use "Por qué" (notice the accent mark) when you ask for something; if you're giving reasons is "porque".

I hope this is clear!! hehe



I did get the gist at least of the first part thanks to a phrase in the course:
Yo pasé por lo mismo con un amigo hace tiempo. I went through the same thing with a friend some time ago.

I wasn't close to getting the second part though (particularly with the "porque" being messed up).

It's clear now. Thank you!
marieg-rocket languages

marieg-rocket languages

Sure thing! ;)

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