Beber or Tomar



Are these verbs interchangeable or is there a certain instance where each should be used?


Tomar means "to take". Beber means "to drink". Hence, there is less chance of confusion with beber. However, in some instances where you can't say "to drink", tomar is very useful. Eg. Yo tomo el desayuno. I take (eat) breakfast. Even when referring to drinkable substances, beber seems more formal. Tomar is often used informally especially with alcoholic beverages: Eg. Vas a tomar una cerveza? Are you gonna drink a beer? General rule: Tomar can be used for consuming anything, food or drink, but beber is strictly limited to drinks, and tomar seems to be used frequently with alcoholic beverages. Hope this helps.


Thanks a lot! You couldn't have explained it any better.

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