Where is the beginner's book? Someone suggeted it is in section 10.0, my course starts with 10.1, someone said click on your account, but my account options are profile and logout. Help please :-)
beginner book location

June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017
?What do you mean ?

June 17, 2017
In the advanced grammar book they mention the Beginners Book. Since I have never seen it I am curious, even more so because I can't find it. In my question I reference answers that have been made to a similar question.
you can search for beginners book and see those responses yourself :-)
you can search for beginners book and see those responses yourself :-)

June 17, 2017
This link was posted by someone a few months ago on the forum and should get you what you want. I had bookmarked it for future reference.
This link was posted by someone a few months ago on the forum and should get you what you want. I had bookmarked it for future reference.

June 18, 2017
Right on! Thanks :-)

August 12, 2017
Thanks for the link

August 13, 2017
I'm enjoying reading some threads here it helps motivate me to hang in there.