Beginner's Guide



The audio mentions the Beginner's Guide for review. Where do I locate that?


I asked that question a couple of weeks ago and never got an answer. (I don't think anyone from Rocket actually monitors the forum.) I _think_ the answer is that it has been divided up into the "Grammar and Culture" parts of each of the groups of lessons. At the time the audio was recorded, I believe there was a download area where you could get all the audio lessons and the books together. Recently they reorganized things into the "Learning Lounge" format, and I think that as a result of that organization the references to the "Beginner's Guide" in the audio are now obsolete. That's just an educated guess on my part, though; it would be nice if someone from Rocket who actually knows the answer would post a reply.


I think you're right, wmm. When I bought Rocket Spanish several years ago, there was a Member's Section where one could download the lessons and also all kinds of supplementary materials: there were .pdf files for A Beginner's Book, an Advanced Spanish Book, a Conversation Course, a Beginners' Vocabulary Supplement, Beginners and Advanced MegaCards, and perhaps more. Some of these were very useful. I don't know why they are no longer available. Now, there's a "Rocket Spanish Learners Lounge" that I can get to by logging in at __, but the Learners Lounge seems to lack some of the resources I mentioned above. However, by poking around I did find some things in section 10 of the "Your Course" section of the Learners Lounge. Under section 10, "MegaSpanish Games and Extras," I found MegaCards Beginners and Advanced, the Conversation Course, and the Vocabulary Supplement. Whether all these work, I have no idea. I think someone posted a question indicating that there were problems, but I don't remember and haven't explored further to find out. All these are matters that are best taken up with Rocket Spanish Customer Support. There's a Contact Us link in the Learners Lounge. Several years ago, I was able to reach support at, but whether that address is still valid, I don't know. A few months ago, Antionio suggested that people with questions about Rocket Spanish resources get in touch with Mauricio at Please don't ask me for more information about any of this; I'm merely a forum moderator and Spanish learner. Buena suerte.


Hola otra vez. I've now taken a more careful look at what's available in the Learners Lounge. As far as I can tell, the contents of what used to be the Beginners Book and the Advanced Book have been incorporated into the Grammar and Culture section of each lesson in the Learners Lounge. The lessons in what is now called Rocket Spanish Premium have Grammar and Culture sections that were taken from the Beginners Book, while the lessons in Rocket Spanish Premium Plus use the content of the Advanced Book for the Grammar and Culture sections. It's unfortunate that someone from Rocket Spanish couldn't simply have TOLD everyone this, but....


Mil gracias, nohablo. Thanks for doing the investigative spadework on that.


This is beginning to bother me as well. I can't find anything on this website anymore. I agree with everyone that the beginner's books, etc were great to use and it's unfortunate they can't be found anymore. I've tried sending in questions to Rocket Spanish only to keep receiving "server error" coming back at me. Can anyone get through and let them know they've screwed up what was a very user-friendly program? It's become the Vista of language programs.


[quo]*Quote from * captain-janeway This is beginning to bother me as well. I can't find anything on this website anymore. I agree with everyone that the beginner's books, etc were great to use and it's unfortunate they can't be found anymore. I've tried sending in questions to Rocket Spanish only to keep receiving "server error" coming back at me. Can anyone get through and let them know they've screwed up what was a very user-friendly program? It's become the Vista of language programs.[/quo] Hola Captain Janeway. I think you may have missed or misunderstood my last message in this thread. The Beginner's Book and the Advanced Book are still available, but in a different format. They've now been incorporated into the Grammar and Culture section of each lesson in the Learner's Lounge. The content is the same as the Beginner's Book and the Advanced Book. I have no idea why the Rocket Spanish management changed things this way, but at least the content hasn't been lost. As for trying to reach the Rocket Spanish staff, I don't know what method you used or what address you used. In my first response to wmm in this thread, I listed a couple of different ways to reach someone at Rocket Spanish. You might try each possibility I mentioned. One of them should work.


nohablo Rocket should hire you. You've been way more responsive and have actually offered helpful suggestions. I'll give some of them a shot. Thanks.


no captain-janeway its really quite simple if you read the instructions after youv'e logged on. I take it your'e not the captain of a space ship as it's is not rocket science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! excuse the pun.


:lol: retraction :lol:


[quo]*Quote from * vandy35 I feel for those who didn't get a copy of the Beginners and Advanced Grammer books. They are, in my opinion, very important to the course. Dig around on Spanish Resources page and you'll find parts of both books.[/quo] It's usually a good idea to read all the messages in a thread before responding. Had you done so, you'd have seen the following information that I provided: "I've now taken a more careful look at what's available in the Learners Lounge. As far as I can tell, the contents of what used to be the Beginners Book and the Advanced Book have been incorporated into the Grammar and Culture section of each lesson in the Learners Lounge. The lessons in what is now called Rocket Spanish Premium have Grammar and Culture sections that were taken from the Beginners Book, while the lessons in Rocket Spanish Premium Plus use the content of the Advanced Book for the Grammar and Culture sections." Though I'm not absolutely positive, the comparisons I made before I posted strongly suggested that all of what used to be called the Beginners Book is now available in the Grammar and Culture sections of Rocket Spanish Premium.


I see said the blind man! :oops:


Wow, thanks!..was just wondering about the beginner's book mentioned in the this thread and got all the answers.....thanks nohablo :)


Actually, I just got through downloading the Basic and the Advanced books (22 Dec 2010). By using the search entry box at the top of the home page, I entered a query for "Beginner's book" and those showed up. From there it was a simple pdf save.


What a great find, Elden! You're right, these are indeed the Beginner's and Advanced Books. They have been redone, resulting in their having a smaller file size than the original ones, but a quick comparison seems to indicate that they have the same content. I for one prefer having all the information together in one book rather than spread out among a zillion different lessons. But now people can do both--refer to the individual lessons, but also have the entire reference book on their hard drive. ¡Muchísimas gracias!


I'm not sure what's wrong. I've tried twice to post a message thanking Elden and confirming what he/she has said, but each time the message does not appear.


I'll try again: What a great find, Elden! You're right, these are indeed the Beginner's and Advanced Books. They have been redone, resulting in their having a smaller file size than the original ones, but a quick comparison seems to indicate that they have the same content. I for one prefer having all the information together in one book rather than spread out among a zillion different lessons. But now people can do both--refer to the individual lessons, but also have the entire reference book on their hard drive. ¡Muchísimas gracias!


Well, I give up.


nohablo, You are welcome, I was tickled to find them located in one source as well. Not sure why it didn't post, however, it came through on e-mail each time.


Elden, thanks very much for letting me know that you somehow received my message (that I tried to post to the forum) via email. I wonder whether somehow I was doing something wrong. It's been known to happen. :-) Anyway, I'm really glad that you found a way for people to get the Beginners Book and the Advanced Book. ( let's see whether this message gets posted on the forum.)


Well, except for the smiling face appearing in the wrong place, all went well. I still have no idea what went wrong before. Oh well....

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