Bueno vs Bien

Benny L

Benny L

What’s the difference between “ ¡qué bueno !” And “ ¡qué bien!” 
it is not totally interchangeable, is it ? 




¡Hola Benny L!


There is some variation between different Spanish-speaking regions, but in Latin America in general, you'll hear people use the simple exclamations ¡Qué bueno! and ¡Qué bien! interchangeably to mean “Great!”, “Good!” or “How great!” 


The only time that you really need to worry about a difference between these two is when you're adding something specific after them - for example, if you say something like ¡Qué buena idea! “What a good idea!” or ¡Qué bien canta! “(He) sings so well!” In that case, you'll need to make sure that you're always using bueno “good” when you're describing a noun and bien “well” when you're describing an action.


I hope that this helps to clear up your question! Let me know if you're still having any trouble with this. 







HI Benny L and Liss

I love it when someone raises a question like this, as now I also know and know when to use what in the grammar.  I never ever thought about it, but always good to have more information




Benny L

Benny L


it's been bugging me for a loooooong time

I'm so grateful you could clarify this for me



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