Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Can "por" also mean "Because"?

Can "por" also mean "Because"?



I have a question regarding a sentence in the Estar section.  It says:

Ella está muy cansada por el viaje. = She is very tired because of the trip.

At this point, we have been taught that "because" is "porque"

So, wouldn't the translation be:

"Ella está muy cansada porque el viaje?"  

Or did I miss something?

Thanks in advance!




Kelly: I think you could construct a sentence, "ella está muy cansado porque del viaje," and it would be correct.

According to, "por" can also translate to "because of," as in the sentence, "Se retiró por problemas personales." - She resigned because of personal issues.
I think the use of "por" in these sentence would translate more like, as a result of (or because of) 

I think it can sometimes be frustrating to newer students of Spanish (and I include myself in that group)  when sentences are not translated literally.

If the sentence would have been translated as , "She is very tired as a result of the trip" it would probably have been less confusing to you. After a long time I think I understand that literal, word for word translations sometimes don't work, and that there are several ways to say many things, just as there are in English. We just have to get used to ambiguity.



Thanks, Dan - -- - 

This was very helpful, I forget I can go over to SpanishDict and they have that whole long (and intimidating, jaja) list of how many different ways a word can be used. For every word, OMG


The propositions in Spanish seem to be fluid, that is sometimes they match up nicely to English and other times they are quite different.  It will come with patience and practice. 


Thanks, Jefe!

Patience and practice - the mantra forever. :)

You know, the more I crash into this issue in Spanish, thinking it is impossible, the more I see that English is almost exactly the same......I cannot tell you how many native Spanish speakers I have met who are totally flummoxed by "to" and "too" because often in Spanish, the "to" would actually work in a sentence where in English it needs to be "too" and it makes them as c-r-a-z-y as "por" and "para" and "de" do me.  



Not one hour ago we drove past Read Mountain. My girlfriend commented that it could be pronounced "Read," as in the present tense, or in the past tense. I told her that is one of the things that drive English learners nuts.

I am going to read a book about reed instruments.
I read the book that had the red cover.


Was the author, Mr. Reid?


¡Bien hecho!

Another take on por that I picked up this morning from lesson 16.5:
El mensaje secreto fue robado por Mario.
The secret message was stolen by Mario.

While trying to work out some logic that would help me remember that por can mean by as well as for,  I realized that replacing by with via makes sense: The secret message was stolen via, or by way of, Mario. The lesson talks about Mario being the "agent" who stole the message.

por ejemplo:
Fui a Madrid por tren, I went to Madrid by, or via, train.
The train is the "agent" that facilitates my movement.

por ejemplo implies the use of an "agent" as well.




Great example Dan. 


you can say "por mi brazo esta roto, no puedo escribir"?
Due to the fact my arm is brocken, I cant write?

por mi abuelo se murio, no es impossible a ir a la fiesta esta noche?
Because of my grandmother dying, it is not possible to come to the party tonight

Have I got it right?

Is that the correct use of por?


I think the first sentence might be better as:

"Por el hecho que..."  meaning "due to the fact that..."

But yeah, "because of" is one meaning of por. I am always tempted to use porque, but por seems to be used interchangeably. 


Thanks, thats clarified my query

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