can you give me few examples of superlative whilst talking about holidays, pls
can you give me few examples of superlative whilst talking about holidays

May 7, 2013

May 7, 2013
Tuve las vacaciones más emocionantes.
I had the most exciting holidays.
Este es mi mejor cumpleaños de mi vida.
This is the best birthday of my life.
Este fue mi peor Navidad nunca.
This was my worst Christmas ever.
Something like that?

May 9, 2013
Spanish also has a suffix "ísimo, called the absolute superlative, that is added to adjectives. It adds the idea of "very" to the adjective. For example:
feliz = felicísimo
rico = riquísimo (I use this when asked how I like a particular dish of food.
mucho= muchísimas (I am not certain on the spelling of this one. However, I like to use this to say: Many thanks or muchisimas gracias).