


Hola a todas Does anyone know how to pronouce this word? It's a bark from off a tree in Ecuador. Mil gracias


If I had to make a guess :?: : choo-choo-wa-see (choo-choo as in the sound of a train & wa-like "cuando" or wand...see as in "I see you") Just my 2 cents here...feel free to correct me 8)


Thanks, but is there someone on this forum that would know exactly how to pronounce this word. I agree with you, more than likely it has a choo-choo at the beginning of the word. Maybe one of the the administrators could tell me. Mil gracias


de nada :D


[quo]*Quote from * cathy24 Thanks, but is there someone on this forum that would know exactly how to pronounce this word. I agree with you, more than likely it has a choo-choo at the beginning of the word. Maybe one of the the administrators could tell me. [/quo] Cathy, this is probably not the right forum in which to ask the question. The vast majority of people who read this forum are people trying to learn Spanish, not native speakers. Most of the "administrators" are people like me who are trying to learn Spanish. From time to time Mauricio stops by, but not on a regular basis. My guess is that the pronunciation is pretty much what rmdodson suggested, with the stress on the next-to-last syllable. If you want a more definitive answer, you probably should ask at a place like, in which MANY native Spanish speakers participate. Or just assume that rmdodson is correct. There usually aren't many surprises in the way Spanish words are pronounced. If you can see it, you can usually pronounce it more or less correctly, unlike English. :D

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