Hola todo.
Necessito ayudar por favor. In the audio section of describing people, at times in the word for blonde, the "b" in rubio sounds like a "b" when Mauricio and Amy repeat just the word. However, in the conversation portion, the "b" sounds like a "v".
Would someone be amable y clarify por me.
Also, jump in and correct any of the Spanish I've used in this post. Necissito todo ayudar yo puedo get (como se dece get en espanol).
Muchas gracias.

April 14, 2006

April 14, 2006
"como se dece" should be "como se dice."
As for get, I have been told that in Puerto Rico they use "buscar," which literally means to look for.
I don't know if usage of buscar in that sense is limited to Puerto Rico though.

April 14, 2006
[quo]*Quote from * Phillip Carracher
Necessito ayudar por favor. In the audio section of describing people, at times in the word for blonde, the "b" in rubio sounds like a "b" when Mauricio and Amy repeat just the word. However, in the conversation portion, the "b" sounds like a "v".
Hola Phillip. The words I've seen used most often to mean "get" are *conseguir* and *obtener*. I don't know what would determine which one you should use.
Also, the word for "help" as a noun is *ayuda*; ayudar is the verb (to help). Thus, your sentence should say *Necesito ayuda, por favor. * (Note too that *necesito* has just one s, unlike the English word *necessary*.
As for the b versus v issue, you may find a previous discussion on this forum useful: *__http://www.rocketspanish.com/bb/viewtopic.php?t=138__*

April 22, 2006
Regarding your questions i think the corrections would be
"Come se Dece" should be "Como Se Dice"
and "Necesito Ayudar Por favor" should be "Necesito Ayuda por favor." as the format you have used includes two verbs one in conjugated form and the other in infinitive form i.e Ayudar. Thus the sentence Literally means " I need to help, Please" while I think what you tried to convey was " I need help, Please." In which case the noun form of Ayudar i.e Ayuda should be used.
And the other translation in my opinion would be " Necesito todo la ayuda que puedo tener". As in my opinion tener in this sentence would convey the meaning of Get.
And regarding the pronounciation, I'm having no idea so kindly excuse me. I hope i have given the right translations as i am also new to learning spanish and it's just been a month and a half since i have started to learn. So my apologies if anything is not conveyed in right form.

April 22, 2006
It seems that "buscar" meaning to get may not be a meaning localized to Puerto Rico.
See definitions 3 & 4 for buscar:
Buscar meaning "to get" is perfectly valid.
So, since I hang out with mostly Puerto Ricans, I'll continue to use it knowing that it is perfectly valid Spanish - hooray!