How do you say extremely cold weather

January 8, 2015

January 8, 2015
Hace extremadente frío.
When I was in Cuba last month, the first few mornings were a little cooler than normal, but far from cold, and ice ages away from the current temperature here in the US. People on the street were hugging themselves and saying, "¡hace frío!" I just smiled and said, "hace buen tiempo para mi."

January 8, 2015
After growing up in New England, I was used to cold weather. I've gotten soft though in my old age living in a very moderate climate. I'm afraid I would be whining along with the Cubans...
"Hace un día de frío muy grande."

January 8, 2015
We have been having 35 degree nights here in Southern California back in late December complete with frost warnings. Hace un poco frío. To my wife, hace mucho frío. We turned on the heater for a few nights to keep the temperature in the house from dipping below 60. It is warmer now with nighttime temperatures in the 50s.

Ava Dawn
January 9, 2015
My daughter's house in Temecula, California had plenty of snow in their backyard. First time since I can remember. Very, very cold. Mucho, mucho frio

January 21, 2015
"Hace mucho frío", "Está extremadamente frío", "Me estoy congelando!", etc haha!