Given the explanation from Ricardo awhile back where the reflexive in these contexts indicates thoroughness / completeness, I would have expected to see here:
"Me comí hasta los huesos."
Or maybe this would be considered redundant?
Comí hasta los huesos.

September 14, 2014

September 14, 2014
Here is my guess: you didn't eat your bones, so it would not be reflexive?

September 14, 2014
Hola amigos,
I don't know what lesson this is from but I'm translating this loosely as I ate it down to the bone or until there were (only) bones. Perhaps this using "me comí": Me comí todo incluye los huesos. We might say in English, I ate up everything including the bones or more likely say, I ate it up bones and all. Food for thought. Ouch! Forgive the pun.

Ava Dawn
September 14, 2014
This must be some kind of strange idiomatic expression from far away Spanish land. Simply stated, do you have anorexia nervosa? Can someone please explain?

September 15, 2014
Ricardo, the quote is from lesson 11.9 and is translated as:
I ate (everything), including the bones.
The accompanying graphic is an alligator, who apparently spoke the words.

September 15, 2014
Hola Dan,
I'm happy ! My translation seems to be more or less right. Got the gist of it. Regarding Steven's question, I think the choice between using the reflexive or not is a matter of emphasis. I ate it or I ate it "up", as I initially posted this usage was from LSLC and no doubt there are many more of these things to come that subtly or emphatically change what is being said.

Ava Dawn
September 15, 2014
Thank you DanH24. I looked at 11.9 and realized I was only half way done with Premium Plus. In reality, I am glad to go back to Premium Plus. It is taking me a long time to finish the first 2 lessons in the Platinum. I actually did the same with the Premium. I went back and repeated the lessons of the Premium while I was in the middle of the Premium Plus. It's amazing how Dan remembers where the phrases are coming from. Again, I appreciate all the help.

September 15, 2014
Thanks Ricardo and all. "I ate it all up right down to the bones" would be indeed overkill with respect to emphasis. I'm sure the subtleties will come in time...

September 15, 2014
Aurora, don't be too impressed with my memory. I only remembered that one because I just finished that lesson last week.
Regarding going back over lessons: when I decided to adopt the Scriptorium Technique I went back to the very beginning of the Premium course and started writing out the answers to the Hear it-Say it and Know it tests as an extra afternoon session each day. It is really helping me to go back and reinforce the earlier learning, and some of the things that I didn't understand well first time around make a lot more sense now.

September 15, 2014
Hola a todos,
I'm pasting a link regarding comer vs comerse.