Comics en español...



Hola todo el mundo! I've been looking around the internet for websites that sell comic books in español. Amazon does sell some graphic novels in español. But most places I run into are located in España. For example, I just made a recent order from Valquirias, which can be found at I think it's a great site, but shipping to the U.S. is a killer. ($30 USD for two books, but that's pretty normal for Europe.) I'm just curious if any members here could recommend any online retailers from the U.S., Mexico, or Latin America (or Spain for those in the U.K. and Europe) that specialize in Spanish comic books. I'd love to expand my collection with some fun study aids. :D ¡Muchas Gracias! theYiffer


I just received both of my books from Valquirias. They have been a pretty professional shop. My comics were properly protected during their trans-atlantic journey. (Which made me feel better about what I spent on my order. :) ) For those curious I ordered the following: [url=]*Don Miki #1: Especial Series Negra*[/url:1mkica0t] This title is a collection of some pretty good Mickey Mouse detective stories to come from italy. It features "Anderville", from #0 of the 12 issues MM Mystery Magazine, written by Giorgio Cavazzano. My only disappointment is that this reprint was not printed on coated stock (shiny paper), dulling the coloring, which looks awesome in the original. [url=]*The Spirt No. 1*[/url:1mkica0t] This is a reprint of DC Comics' updated/modern take on Will Eisner's Spirit. (Issues 1 & 2) The artwork is about as close as you'll get to Eisner's style, also emulating a lot of his unique design elements.

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