Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar como estas tu-or- como estes tu? ( Informal )

como estas tu-or- como estes tu? ( Informal )



In Rocket Spanish you show como estes tu for How are you. ( informal ) But in other places in Spanish they show como estas tu. ( informal ) I am confused with this difference. Please help to understand the difference. Thank You. Umpaw@


estes is the present subjunctive form for the second person singular of the verb estar. The subjunctive is more related to mood rather than tense. The use of estes really depends on the context. Are you inviting someone to dinner say next week and they are currently ill? Then you are really saying. It depends how well you are. I hope that you can come to dinner next week? Depende que como estes tu. Espero que..... Sal2 Nev


Umpaw, could you tell us where exactly in the program it says, "¿Cómo estes tú?"


Hi. As it happens, someone with the userid Evermcin posted a similar claim on the Spanish forum. After someone questioned the accuracy of his claim, he wrote again to say that he had been mistaken, and that he had confused Rocket Spanish with some other program. Here's a link to the start of the thread: __

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