Maybe someone can help me. I listen to the spanish station on the radio everyday to try to help me learn. When people call into the station, they say "¿Como estámos?" Now that seems weird to ask a group of people, 'how are we?' Or maybe it's regional...I can't figure it out. Has anyone else heard this or can explain it to me?
¿Como Estámos?

May 19, 2006

May 19, 2006
"¿Como estámos?" means something like: How are you all ? How is everyone ? How's it going ?

May 20, 2006
We hear it in english as well. Maybe you've heard a nurse say to a patient " and how are we doing today?". It can be used to address a group or in special cases to individuals, such as when addressing royalty. But, granted, it's not very common these days.

May 20, 2006
Whenever I hear a health professional or anyone else say, "How are we?", I can't help but feel that this person is being a bit (at the least) condescending. Maybe that expression is acceptable on a radio program, but personally I'd rather say (and hear) "How are you?".