Como se dice Do you have your paycheck stubs? in Espanol?
I am learning and things are going great.
thanks for the help
Como se dice Do you have your paycheck stubs? in Espanol?

February 7, 2008

February 7, 2008
Hola fran. As is often the case, the term you use for "paycheck stubs" depends on where you are. What they say in Mexico often differs from what they say in Puerto Rico or in Spain. In Mexico, I'm told that you could say "Tiene sus recibos de pago" or "Tiene sus recibos del pago de sueldo." It's quite possible that this would be understood elsewhere as well.

February 7, 2008
thanks for the quick reply, I am amazed at this course, it really does work. I also found out that this forum is awesome. thanks again

March 5, 2008
My wife (a puertoriquena) says that she would say "tiene su talonario de cheque?"

March 6, 2008
Hello Fran,
I can't remember ever being paid for anything while I lived in Chile :( lol but I do remember my father getting his "recibos de pago" so that's pretty much the same as Mexico... I reckon this should be understood by most of South America... but at the same time I would also understand if someone said to me "tiene su talonario de cheque?"... so it seems that so far it all works.
Thanks for your comments about the course and keep up the good work...
Kind regards,