Como versus Como



Como is 'I eat' Como estas is 'how are you' Help, two words with the same spelling and pronounced the same way.


(yo) como= I eat ¿Cómo estás?= How are you?


Yes, I know how the words are used in context of a sentence, but why the same word for two completely different meanings? If the words were used out of context, how would you know what they were? I know this is being picky because as a rule you wouldn't use them out of context, but I'm just curious.


You're probably an analytical person, but I can tell you, over thinking these nuances will drive you nuts and take time away from your studies. Good luck


Yes you're right. Thanks for the reply :roll:


I notice many times I feel the same frustration with learning the language. But it helps for me to realize how many times the same thing is true for English. We have MANY words that change meaning depending on context. A simple word like net. Is it a hair net, a fishing net, the internet, a trap??? Oh that all languages got rid of everything irregular and went by simple rules. But then there is reality!!

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