compound verb tenses present



amy waterman on mar 27 2006 in speaking of sujunctive and conditional tenses states that one can get around them in the beginning by mastering the present..."If you can master compound verb tenses (such as conjugated present tense plus an infinitive) you can talk about what you want to do, what you hope to do, what you are doing,) I understand the words but I don't understand their application...Amy or someone, could you expand on this concept.


Hola Rich, Bienvenido al foro amigo. Ejemplos: Voy a caminar al cine. I am going to walk to the movies. Quiero hablar contigo. I want to talk with you. Estoy caminando al cine. I am walking to the movies, you are in the process of walking to the movies. Espero vivir muchos años. I hope to live a long time. I hope this helps you. If you could direct me or others to the specific discussion, it would help. I've searched and can't find it. We have a friend on the forum Cristian Montes de Oca, who is a native speaker, perhaps he will comment. By the way Rich is my user name since 2007 perhaps you could add something to distinguish us from one another. Bound to be confusing. I'm surprised it did not say the name was already being used. I was confused. I couldn't remember posting this. ¡Muy chistoso! Saludos, Rich


Rich D, .¡Ya veo! Eres Rich" D" Lo siento amigo. Soy lento y anciano . Saludos, Rich(no D)


Were you able to retrieve the Amy Waterman post I spoke of...I should try to contact her and ask her to expand on the topic. Rich D


Rich D, I read it in your recent post.The examples I used refer to what she was saying. I forgot to give one in the conditional: me gustaría una cerveza, I would like a beer.¿ Que haríamos? What would we do? When I started RS some years ago I printed out the books for Beginner and Advanced and I would read ahead as I went through the lessons and review. I found it very helpful. There is discussion of the tenses etc.Don't worry it will come to you in time and above all enjoy it and have fun! Saludos, Rich


Buenos Natches me Amigas un amigos! Que Paso and quePasa?

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