Con and Para and Por

Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Eres bueno para las computadoras. You are good with computers. T thought "with" is translated as "con". I already have problems with por and para. Now this.


This will be etched on my tombstone: "Steven was an alright guy but right up until the end he never could keep 'por' and 'para' straight..."


I found a web site that had a little graphic on it that is helping me...slowly...visualize whether to use por o para a little more accurately. But, as Aurora said, now the news that para can sometimes mean with... By the way, did any of you have trouble accessing the site today (Tuesday, 12 August?) My morning study routine was completely disrupted because I could not connect, and was not able to until 4PM. I tried a different computer, different browser, nothing worked. Until it did. I would really like to know if it was just me or a system wide problem.


Hola Dan, Yo tambien. No puse entrar a sitio. Ricardo


Ricardo, me dejaron un mensaje en la Rocket Español Facebook pagina y sólo ahora recibió esta respuesta: Hi Dan. We've had some reports of trouble accessing the site, but not widespread. Our IT team is checking it out now...


Hola Dan, I suspect it was widespread but if it was only us, do we get extra points? Actually, my points don't mean much to me and I didn't realize until recently that I get them just for replying on the forum, even if I'm wrong. Regarding para, the number of entries in my Oxford Dictionary are so numerous as to be mind boggling. After many years, por and para are for the most part second nature to me. Not perfect, but for the most part I don't have to think about which is which. Saludos, Ricardo
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn Quiz for por and para

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