In Lesson 4.4, the following sentence is presented: ¿Qué se le ofrece? The translation is: What can I offer you?
Why is the verb ofrecer conjugated in the third person here, when I am the one doing the offering? Why isn't it ofrezco?
I'm probably too much of a beginner to understand direct and indirect objects, but would I be correct in thinking that the use of se and le in the example sentence would be IO and DO, respectively? Or is ofrecer a reflexive verb (and hence the use of se)?
I would've thought the correct way to say what can I offer you? would be ¿Qué le puedo ofrecer? or perhaps ¿Qué puedo ofrecerle?
As you can probably see, I'm really confused! I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain why this sentence is written the way it is.
Why is the verb ofrecer conjugated in the third person here, when I am the one doing the offering? Why isn't it ofrezco?
I'm probably too much of a beginner to understand direct and indirect objects, but would I be correct in thinking that the use of se and le in the example sentence would be IO and DO, respectively? Or is ofrecer a reflexive verb (and hence the use of se)?
I would've thought the correct way to say what can I offer you? would be ¿Qué le puedo ofrecer? or perhaps ¿Qué puedo ofrecerle?
As you can probably see, I'm really confused! I'd really appreciate it if someone could explain why this sentence is written the way it is.