


I purchased Rocket Spanish Premium and Premium Plus a week ago. I like the lessons themselves, but I'm TOTALLY confused about the other resources, and one-email-at-a-time with sometimes 2-3 day responses from HELP is driving me CRAZY. I have Mega Games, which is IMPOSSIBLE to play without prior study of a word list. Is that supp :? osed to be Beginner Flashcards v. 6.1?? Nothing explains how this and the 10.1-10.3 Mega Stuff fits together. there is no longer a Beginners Book, so I'm finding this impossible without clear instructions. Can someone help me out??


I'm wondering the same thing. An answer would be much appreciated! :? Gracias!


[quo]*Quote from * aowats there is no longer a Beginners Book, so I'm finding this impossible without clear instructions. Can someone help me out??[/quo] I've never used the mega games or flashcards, so I can't tell you anything about those. However, as has been explained in several other threads, the content of what used to be the Beginner's Book is now found in the Language and Culture section of each segment of Rocket Spanish Premium (under Your Course). Your other questions are perhaps best answered by . I hope this helps.

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