Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Conjugation of the verb Necesitar

Conjugation of the verb Necesitar



If the verb NECESITAR is conjugated “Yo necesito, tu necesitas, el/ella necesita” (sorry for not including the accents), why is “Do you need a car?” translated as “?Necesita un carro?” and not “?Necesitas un carro?”




Hola Luis-kaj,


As well as el/ ella, necesita is also usted, the formal way to say “you” when the familiar tú would be inappropriate. 













¡Hola Luis-kaj!


Great spotting! As Ricardo pointed out, that's because this question is in the formal “you” or usted, which uses the same conjugation set as él/ ella “he/ she.”


If you are after a bit more info on usted, how it works, and when to use it, I would recommend checking out lesson 1.10, "You," "He," and Other Pronouns. Here, you'll find some useful examples and some information on the difference between usted, the formal "you," and , the informal "you."




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