If the verb NECESITAR is conjugated “Yo necesito, tu necesitas, el/ella necesita” (sorry for not including the accents), why is “Do you need a car?” translated as “?Necesita un carro?” and not “?Necesitas un carro?”
September 13, 2024
If the verb NECESITAR is conjugated “Yo necesito, tu necesitas, el/ella necesita” (sorry for not including the accents), why is “Do you need a car?” translated as “?Necesita un carro?” and not “?Necesitas un carro?”
September 13, 2024
Hola Luis-kaj,
As well as el/ ella, necesita is also usted, the formal way to say “you” when the familiar tú would be inappropriate.
September 22, 2024
¡Hola Luis-kaj!
Great spotting! As Ricardo pointed out, that's because this question is in the formal “you” or usted, which uses the same conjugation set as él/ ella “he/ she.”
If you are after a bit more info on usted, how it works, and when to use it, I would recommend checking out lesson 1.10, "You," "He," and Other Pronouns. Here, you'll find some useful examples and some information on the difference between usted, the formal "you," and tú, the informal "you."