"When a man gets married, it's the craziest thing in his life."
For as many times as I have looked at this phrase, I can't seem to get my head around this last part. I understand each word but it just doesn't seem to come together for me. "...se le va..."?
Cuando un hombre se casa, se le va la locura de su vida.

January 22, 2015

Ava Dawn
January 22, 2015
Cuando un hombre se casa, es la cosa más loca en su vida ".- Google translator. "se le va" must be more advanced. Be interested to hear from the more advanced participants aka Robert, Dan Ricardo, Christian.

January 22, 2015
I'm thinking it's a passive voice construction but I'm by no means certain. I'm hoping Cristian answers this and the "Deberíamos esperar" post.

January 22, 2015
Hmmm: se le va - not se la va? The problem I am having with this sentence is that is is using two indirect object pronouns. I thought the rule is <indirect> <direct> verb. I wonder if the last part should be "se la va la locura de su vida".