Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Cuando un hombre se casa, se le va la locura de su vida.

Cuando un hombre se casa, se le va la locura de su vida.



"When a man gets married, it's the craziest thing in his life." For as many times as I have looked at this phrase, I can't seem to get my head around this last part. I understand each word but it just doesn't seem to come together for me. " le va..."?
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Cuando un hombre se casa, es la cosa más loca en su vida ".- Google translator. "se le va" must be more advanced. Be interested to hear from the more advanced participants aka Robert, Dan Ricardo, Christian.


Hola, I'm thinking it's a passive voice construction but I'm by no means certain. I'm hoping Cristian answers this and the "Deberíamos esperar" post. Saludos, Ricardo


Hmmm: se le va - not se la va? The problem I am having with this sentence is that is is using two indirect object pronouns. I thought the rule is <indirect> <direct> verb. I wonder if the last part should be "se la va la locura de su vida".

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