
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

"de" means of, about, on, with, because of, by, a . Can someone give examples of sentences using the different meanings of "de"?
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I'll start with.... Yo soy de Estados Unidos. I am de United States. Opps! I don't know how to translate.


La casa de Pepe (Pepe's house) El hijo de Maria (Maria's son) Yo soy de los Estados Unidos (I am from the United States)


Here is one more: Hotel Del Coronado (del = de + el)


antes de, durante de, después de, encima de, al lado de...
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

I see "of" and "from". How about the others, "about", "on", "with", "because of", "by" and "a"?
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

By day is "de dia"; By night is "de noche" Here's "about" Ella sabe todo "de" las matemáticas. She knows everything "about" math. I am still missing "on", "with", "because of" and "a"


Hola a todos, Aquí está otro ejemplo. Voy a darte algo de comer. Saludos, Ricardo
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Here is another example. I am going to give you something "to" eat. Is this translation correct? I looked back and "to" is not one of the translation for "de".


Hola Aurora, Yes, it means I'm going to give you something to eat. It's interchangeable with "algo para comer". I don't know exactly why "de" is used this way, perhaps it's idiomatic. There are times when I just accept that's the way things are said. Kind of like, why is a banana bent? ¿Quien sabe? Saludos, Ricardo
Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn



this is an article about " de " in Spanish. http://spanish.about.com/od/prepositions/a/preposition_de.htm

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