In Chapter 1 Grammar you say "the short defining word before the
noun is really part of the noun," but one says, "Je ne parle pas
anglais (or francais)." Why is there no definite article (one
assumes it would be masculine)?
Definite articles for a language

September 11, 2015

September 11, 2015
Is this supposed to be in Rocket Spanish?

September 11, 2015
Yes, it looks like it should have been asked in Rocket French
Grammar. I guess she had Spanish on her mind when she asked
this question.

September 12, 2015
When to use articles and when not to has always seemed to give me
some trouble - regardless of the language.

September 12, 2015
I feel like I am slowly developing an intuition of when articles
should be used in Spanish. I am not always correct, but getting
better as I go along. Sort of like the intuition of when to use por
o para.

September 13, 2015
Sorry, I meant in French. "Je parle anglais" not "Je parle
l'anglais." Why do language nouns not have masculine and
feminine definite articles when said articles are supposedly an
intrinsic part of all nouns?

September 14, 2015
J’avais bien pigé la question. Comme les autres l’ont dit pourtant,
il vaut mieux poster cette question dans le forum français. Ta
phrase est correcte bien que je sois incapable de te dire pourquoi
on n’utilise pas l’article dans ce contexte. Ceci dit, ça n’a rien
à voir avec le fait que c’est une langue. Voir la phrase suivante
- Le français est plus difficile que l’espagnol.
- Le français est plus difficile que l’espagnol.

September 17, 2015
Stephen, merci pour ton response. Je ne veux pas lutter
contra le keyboard donc il n'y a de pas
caractere speciale.
Il faut que je dit que ma question est pour le francais premier?
Il faut que je dit que ma question est pour le francais premier?

September 18, 2015
Bonjour Sandy. Mon clavier est configuré pour le français (AZERTY).
Ceci est facile à faire via le système d'exploitation. Autrement il
faut suivre le conseil de Dan H24 dont le voici :
I changed my keyboard to US International-PC. Now I can type
accented vowels by first pressing ' then the vowel. The tilde is
made by holding down the option key and typing n. Leading
exclamation points: option+!. ¿: Hold option+shift and type ?. The
only problem it causes when typing English is if you mean to type a
word with an apostrophe that is immediately followed by a vowel it
will think you want to accent the letter. You just have to remember
to hit space first in this unusual circumstance. After have done
this for a long time I can type accented characters pretty quickly.
I changed my keyboard to US International-PC. Now I can type
accented vowels by first pressing ' then the vowel. The tilde is
made by holding down the option key and typing n. Leading
exclamation points: option+!. ¿: Hold option+shift and type ?. The
only problem it causes when typing English is if you mean to type a
word with an apostrophe that is immediately followed by a vowel it
will think you want to accent the letter. You just have to remember
to hit space first in this unusual circumstance. After have done
this for a long time I can type accented characters pretty quickly.