Dejar Parecer Esperar

Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Hoy, estoy reflexionando sobre la verbos Dejar , Parecer , y Esperar

I am trying to sort out the different use of these verbs with their meanings. It is easy for me to think Dejar is to leave, Parecer is to sound like and Esperar to wait and to hope. Any thoughts?



Hola Aurora,

Some further meanings: Dejar-to leave, let, permit, forget. Déjalos dormir. Let them sleep.¡Déjalo! Stop it/Forget it! Paracer-to seem, look, appear. Parece que va a llover. It looks as if it's going to rain. Se paracen a sus padres. They look like/resemble their parents.Esperar-to wait, wait for, hope, expect.¡Esperaré hasta que vuelvan. I'll wait until they come back. No me esperaba tantos regalos. I didn't expect so many gifts. These examples were taken from The Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs. Hope this helps you.




Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

Thanks Rich. Those are fine examples.



¿Qué le hicieron? Déjame adivinar: ¡Le tiñeron el pelo verde!

What did you do to him? Let me guess: You guys dyed his hair green!

This example was taken from the course. It's this use of dejar that I need to get down better - it is used quite frequently.

Ava Dawn

Ava Dawn

George too much info. I am still a beginner. A sentence or two would suffice. By the way, there is no degar, maybe you meant dejar. George es mi esposo. I actually have been encouraging him to learn Spanish. I signed him up as part of the RS family plan. I told him that as soon I feel able to speak more Spanish with the locals, I would sign up for a class in Madrid, Spain. 



Thanks for the heads up on George being your spouse. Seeing "Te amo" from someone in the forum here kind of freaked me out a bit...

[I put a smiley face here which got deleted. I'll see if html can come to the rescue.]



Sorry if I wierded anyone out.  Last Nov. was our 45th wedding anniversary. :)




Hola Aurora,

Sorry about the information overload.  Perhaps the reason that we have seen verbs like dejar so often is because they have many shades  of meaning.

Dejar que to wait until

Dejó que acabara de llover para salir.  He waited until it had stopped raining before going out.

Note this sentence uses two words that can be translated – to Leave  dejar and silar.







George: I don't think you wierded anyone out. I think it is pretty cool that a couple that has been married 45 years "talks" to one another over the internet.

Welcome, by the way.




Thanks Dan




Congrats, George! Looking forward to seeing "Te amo, happy 50th wedding anniversary."



Hola Aurora,
I tried editing the post that you said was too much information. I was about half way  through when the editor stopped working.  So, I deleted post.  The following is some info about Dejar.
Te amo

To Leave

Transitive verb
1. to leave, to put.
        dejó los papeles en la mesa - he put (or left) the papers on the table
2. to leave, to entrust
        le dejé los niños a mi madre - I left the children with my mother.
3. to lend
       ¿me dejas un paraguas? - could you lend me an umbrella?  
4. to leave, to give up, to abandon
       su marido la ha dejado – her husband left her.
5. to let, to allow
        Déjame a mi. - let me do it, leave it to me
6. reserve
        deja algo de café para mi.  - leave some coffee for me.

7. to leave, to omit
        dejó lo más importante por resolver - he left the most importent
        question unresolved

See also: Dejarse and salir.




Hola Aurora,
Some info on Parecer
Ta amo

to seem

masculine noun
1. opinion (opinión)
         cambiar de parecer to change one's mind
2.  appearance (apariencia)
        de buen parecer good-looking

Parecer the verb has only one instance of irregular conjugation. 
1st person, singular, present tense
yo parezco

intransitive verb
3. (+ sustantivo) to look like
          parece un palacio it looks like a palace
4. (+ adjetivo) to look, to seem
           pareces cansado you look or seem tired
5. (expresa opinión)
           ¿qué te parece mi vestido? what do you think of my dress?
6. (tener aspecto de) look of
            parece que va a llover it looks like it's going to rain

pronominal verb
1. to be alike (en in)
            no tenemos yate ni nada que se le parezca we haven't got a yacht or anything (like that) 



Hola Aurora,
Some info on Esperar
Ta amo

to wait for, to hope

transitive verb
1. (to await)
a. to wait for
Espérame que yo también voy.
Wait for me, I'm coming too.
2. (to wish)
a. to hope

Espero saber de ti pronto.I hope to hear from you soon.
3. (to count on)
a. to expect
No espero compasión si me capturan.I don't expect any mercy if captured.

intransitive verb
4. (to await)
a. to wait
Espera que ya vengo. Wait, I'm coming.

impersonal verb
5. (to count on)
a. to expect
Se esperan cortes en el suministro de agua esta noche.Water supply disruptions are expected tonight.

pronominal verb
6. (to wait momentarily)
. to hold on (emphatic)
Espérate, ¿no se suponía que ibas a estar fuera un par de semanas?Hold on, weren't you supposed to be gone for a couple of weeks?

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