I am almost certain the answers to the exercises are in some cases wrong!
¡Ja! Allí está. ¿Es esa (4) tu maleta? -- Surely 'esa' is a pronoun; put into a direct sentence: 'Esa es tu maleta.' makes it plain that it is 'That one ...'
Simlarly: 'Es negra, pero no es mi maleta. Que bonita, la maleta. Si no encuentro mi maleta, ¡voy a llevar esa! (5)'
And '¿Es aquella (6) tu maleta?'
So all of them should have accents - or did I misunderstand the grammar entirely?
and in exercise 2:
'Me gustaría escalar aquéllas montañas.' 'aquellas' is an adjective referring to 'montañas', so according to the grammar should not have an accent. And that applies to all the other answers except the two below which are correct!
¿Son ésos los boletos que estas buscando?
Now, that is a great spot for a picnic. (At a distance) Ahora, aquél es un buen lugar para un picnic.
Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives -

February 1, 2010

March 15, 2010
Could you kindly let us know which lesson you are referring to? Is this part of the Members Grammar Newsletters? And if so, which number is it?
Thank you very much.
We hope to be able to check this for you as soon as possible.
- Mauricio

March 15, 2010
I've found the members newsletter - and spotted the mistakes.
You are correct - All the answers for the blanks will be revised as soon as possible by the team.
Meanwhile, please refer to the following for the correct answers:
1. esta
2. esta
3. esa
4. ésa
5. ésa
6. aquélla
7. aquella
1. éstos
2. aquellas
3. ese
4. esta
5. esas
6. aquel
7. estas
8. ese
9. este
10. esos
11. aquella
12. este
13. ésos
14. aquél
15. esta