I've read many good things about Destinos, but am unable to play the streaming videos online, as the web page appears to be Mac-unfriendly. I tried downloading Flip4Mac, but it didn't seem to help. Any Mac users have the answer for me? Muchos gracias!
Destinos - Ayuda, por favor!

November 22, 2007

November 23, 2007
I have a MacBook Pro. Send me the link and I'll try. I know Destinos is on http://www.learner.org, but I haven't registered yet.

November 28, 2007
Hi! Here's the link, tho I think you'll still have to register to try it (it's quick and free):

November 28, 2007
The video played for me without a problem. I would suggest you try updating Quicktime. If that doesn't work, you might call Apple Tech Support. Let me know if that works.

December 14, 2007
Thanks again, but still no luck. I have a slightly older iBook G4, pre-Intel, so maybe that's the problem. Anyway I'm using my brother's PC and it's working just fine.

December 14, 2007
Haha well, now it works on my iBook too for some reason!

April 26, 2008
I have the entire destinos series on vhs. I was required to buy them for a university Spanish class. Anybody want to buy them?

May 26, 2008
I had not heard of this series before. Checked it out on line and love it. He tratado de mirar a telenovelas antes pero todos hablan demasiado rapido. Esto es perfecto.

June 13, 2008
I have been searching to purchase the Destinos videos. Please contact me at my personal email:
caryn9 AT msn DOT com
I am new to this group.

June 14, 2008
For those of us who have a standard PC, you can download them using VLC.
VLC is freeware.
If you need instructions, post here or PM me .

June 22, 2008
A great source for the worksbooks that go along with Destinos is the used book section of Amazon. I just ordered all of the books and workbooks for under $50.

June 27, 2008
I just started viewing Destinos... I really like it!!
I also use SpanishPod and LiveMocha.
LiveMocha is helpful... the other day I had my headphones with the mic attachment on, and I was chatting with a guy in Peru. He was a native Spanish speaker that was an intermediate English learner, and we helped each other a lot!! I also help a guy from Libya with his English as well.
SpanishPod is fun... they are short lessons, and some of them are very, very funny!!! It's everyday Spanish, really useful stuff. I enjoy it immensely.
I have all my Spanish learning audio courses and podcasts all loaded into my iPod so I can listen to them anywhere!!!

July 15, 2008
I found it also very easy and quick to download using the free version of Realplayer. They downloaded in a snap! Now I have them on my laptop for our extended RV trip we're taking (while the kids are watching Disney flicks, I can watch Destinos!)
Luz, which materials do you need for Destinos? There seems to be several versions and I am in a quandry as to which ones I sould get and which version?

July 16, 2008
There is a two part workbook/study guide. Part I is lessons 1-26 and part II is lessons 27-52. This is very worthwhile. Lots of exercises and the all important answer key in the back. There is also a textbook. Mine is hardcover and called "Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish" This covers the entire series and has some additional readings with background about the various characters as well as exercises with an answer key and a vocabulary list in the back. Both the workbook and the textbook also have an audio component which I did not purchase but wish I had. Some of the exercises involve listening to a recording and then answering the questions. I also bought a Student Viewers Handbook. This covers all the lessons but only contains material that is in the workbooks or textbook. I would not recommend this unless it was the only book you were going to buy. I would get the workbooks and the text book with the audio if possible. If you can't find ones with audio get the books anyway. Unless you were only going to get one book I would not get the Student Viewers Handbook.

July 16, 2008
Muchas gracias Luz!!
I had seen something on Amazon.com where some folks said that you needed one version over another... any idea what that's all about??

July 17, 2008
I looked on amazon and see that there is something called the alternate edition for the hardcover textbook which is newer than the one I bought. The one I bought is called Destinos: An Intro to Spanish Student Edition. It didn't come up in the top 4 or 5 listings in amazon, but when I found it again just now, it is only $1.50. Maybe it only makes a difference if you actually need the book for a class.
Buena suerte con sus estudios. Pienso en ir a Mexico para asistir una escuela de idiomas este otono por una semana pero no puedo decidir.