Seemed like an awfully dense lesson to me. They packed a lot in and didn't miss the chance to throw in some new vocabulary to boot. Direct and indirect pronouns, some occasionally changing to “se,” which wasn't really listed as a distinct pronoun of its own; the changing gender of the pronouns; the grammatically correct placement of them; compounding them onto infinitives and -ndo words of the present continuing tense . . . and more. It has taken me several days to work myself up to this lesson. As far as the flash cards, I could make those translations only by first typing out the verbs and then going back to place the pronouns and other words in the sentence. Not knowing the new vocabulary words didn't help either. And I don't suppose there was any way to make it clear whether they want those pronouns attached to the end of an infinitive or at the start of the verb or verb phrase except by remembering how it was originally presented in the lesson.
Still, ever so slowly I am wrapping my mind around it. Ever . . . so . . . slowly.