Can someone tell me the difference between alli / alla /aquel. Could you used them in a sentence for me (en espanol).
(a newbe)
P.S. I don't know how to get accent marks over the vowels from my PC keyboard?
Difference between alli / alla / aquel ?

November 10, 2006

November 10, 2006
I'll leave it to someone else to distinguish between *allí *and *allá*. Both mean "there." *Aquel* is an adjective meaning "that," as in "*aquel coche*" - that car. *Aquél*, with an accent over the e, is a pronoun; it means "that one," as in "*aquél es el mío*" - that one is mine.
As for how to get accent marks over your letters, there was an earlier thread in which I talked about several ways to do it. See my two messages in

November 10, 2006
Hola, alli is "right there" (close)
Alla is further away "over there"
Aquel is also further away when refering to a noun, as Nohablo dijo, if you and I are looking at a car that's fairly close, (not right next to us) I could say ese carro. But if it's much further away, I would say aquel carro.
This car...este carro
That car (close) ese carro
That car (far away) aquel carro

November 10, 2006
Thanks all:
I am begining to understand aquel, as an adjective. But, still hazy on alli and alla. What part of grammer are they? Could someone use them in a sentence.

November 10, 2006
OK, here's an explanation from my favorite grammar reference, _*¡Búscalo!: A Quick Reference Guide to Spanish Grammar and Usage*_ by William Clarkson and Guillermo Campos:
*Ahí* translates _there_ when referring to a place near the person addressed.
*Allí* translates _there_ when referring to a location considered distant from the speaker.
*Allá *usually replaces *allí* with verbs of motion when referring to a location considered vague and far from the speaker.
*Más allá* translates _further on_ or _beyond_.
¿Qué tienes tú *ahí*? (What do you have _there_?)
Ellos se fueron al rancho ayer. Nosotros vamos a estar *allí* pasado mañana.
(They went to the ranch yesterday. We wil be _there_ the day after tomorrow.)
¡Mira! *Allá* van subiendo la cuesta de la montaña.
(Look! _There_ they go up the slope of the mountain.)
Está *más allá* del parque. (It is _beyond_ the park.)
I hope that helps. Also, I want to say again how much I LOVE the book this came from. It's a small, relatively inexpensive paperback that amazingly has answered almost all the questions I've had. When I need an even more in-depth discussion, I turn to Butt and Benjamin's _*A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish*_. But 95% of the time, _*¡Búscalo!*_ has been sufficient for my needs. (Of course, as I learn more, that may change, but still....)

November 11, 2006
Gracias para su ayuda. Entiendo ahora.