The Language and Culture lesson 4.8 has the following example:
Initial sentence: Les muestra la casa - He shows them the house.
Once the direct object pronoun is added, it changes to: Se las muestra - He shows them it.
I don't get how the indirect object pronoun becomes "Se" and the direct object pronoun becomes "las." The house (direct object pronoun) is singular and "they" the indirect object pronoun is plural. Thus, I would expect the answer to be "Ses La Muestra" or "Se La Muestra." I provide the latter example because I am fairly sure "Se" never becomes "Ses" even in plural form.
Is "la" made into "las" here because "se" can't be plural? I.e. is the extra "s" just moving from "se" to "la?" This does not make sense based on the other examples provided.
Is this a mistake or am I missing something? I hope my question is not too confusing. Maybe it's just too late for me to concentrate.
Direct/Indirect Pronouncs - Question Based on Lesson 4.8

February 20, 2013

February 20, 2013
Hmmmm... I don't know the answer. Maybe it is a mistake but you should use the feedback button at that area in the course to ask. I have done that twice and mistakes were corrected.

February 20, 2013
Hola Random,
It IS a mistake. You are correct "se' does not become "ses", "se' is singular or plural. It should be: Se la muestra. If the initial sentences was Les muestra las casas, then it would be,:Se las muestra. I have all three levels of RS starting with level1 about 5 years back and think its a great tool. There are occasional errors but by noticing or suspecting an error it shows your learning and generates Q&A on the forum. ¿Verdad?

February 20, 2013
Gracias Rich.
También, ¿Cómo puedo reportar un error? (Also, how can I report an error).

February 21, 2013
Hola Random,
De nada amigo. Para informar un error es necesario enviar un mensaje a Rocket Spanish Ayuda. También, Carlene dijo que usa " the feedback button". Es en su respuesta antes de mío.

February 21, 2013
¿Dónde está el "feedback button?" I have not seen it before (sorry not learnt past tense yet).

February 21, 2013
Hola Random,
Voy a responder en inglés. I have not seen the"feedback button" before either. Carlene R offered that information in his /her reply. RS has changed the site over the years and I also am using Learning Spanish Like Crazy and other resources so, I'm just not up to date on what the current features are. But I continue to use and refer to RS often and hope we can all help each other.

February 21, 2013
When you are answering the questions, for example under "My level". You listen, and then you hit the "reveal" button. At this point you should see all the buttons ranging from "Not at All" to "It's Easy" and right below that you'll see a sentence that says "Send us suggestions or errors on this word/phrase by clicking here".
When you click there you can send you error or response. They will send you an email saying they fixed it if they do.

February 21, 2013
Gracias Carlene.

February 21, 2013
De Nada.