Forum Rocket Spanish Spanish - Grammar Discripciones in Conversation Course

Discripciones in Conversation Course



On page 49 of the Conversation Course, the section on descriptions, it has bonita and hermosa as feminine descriptors for beauty/attractiveness and "n/a" for the masculine counterpart. Por que esto es? Mi novia me llama "Bonito," y en la cancion por Nina Sky se llama "Vamos Amarnos," ellas cantan "tu eres el hombre mas hermoso." Here's two instances of the masculine counterparts for bonita and hermosa being used, why does it say in the book that they are not applicable?


Hello taalibeen, You are right in a sense. There is a masculine counterpart which is *bonito* and *hermoso*. The reason we said it was not applicable for men is because no one hardly ever uses it in conversation! (Though you may see it in the poetic sense.) Just as in English you CAN call a man *pretty* and *beautiful*, it's not really done in conversation! If you do, people will look at you strangely. The same happens in Spanish. A man can be handsome *buen moso* or good looking *guapo*. Sure, he can also be *hermoso *and *bonito * but hey..... I'll leave than one up to you. I definitely would not recommend using it though. Hope that helps, Mauricio

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